Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Mission: 140

Normally at this point in the year I'd be talking about my fall goals, and maybe start thinking about the following year. Right now I have a new goal, but it has nothing to do with racing: I need to get my knee to bend to 140 degrees again.

Every minute of every day I feel pain. There seriously isn't a moment during the day where I feel even okay, or remotely close to comfortable. Whether I'm sitting, standing, lying down, whatever - I hurt.

140 is a good number. It's what I weighed when I started college (that current number is somewhere in between 165 and 170). It's also the distance, in miles, of an Ironman. To be accurate, it's 140.6, but it's easier for the symbology*.

Today I went to physical therapy in the morning and managed to bend my knee 92 degrees with help. I've been stuck around that number for a week. My leg just does not desire to cooperate. Following PT I had my next challenge: walk close to a mile to the gym. It took a little while but I got there, and it was time to hop in the pool again. Day 1 I swam 1500m, and Day 2 was 2000m. I thought I could do a little more than that, so I wanted to bump up to 3000m. I probably should have stopped at 2000. My knee was definitely not appreciative of what I was putting it through, and this is the easiest form of activity I can give it right now.

After the session my next challenge was the 2 mile walk back to my house. I was starving, so I detoured slightly to eat something. A little boost of energy hit the spot and gave me the motivation to walk home. I walk slow as shit. It took me almost an hour to get home when normally it would be 30-35 minutes. My knee was screaming at me and I just wanted to stop on the side of the road or hitchhike or something.

I finally got back into my neighborhood with a half mile to go and was pumped to get back to the house. I smelled like chlorine and was sweating, since the temp was over 80 and it was humid, but rather than shower I crashed out for a while. I never thought this combination of minor activities would make me more tired than a race, but it did.

Now I wish I could just cut my leg off, it hurts so bad.

Michelle Pfeiffer is pretty hot, for the record. She's always been a favorite. Her and Heather Locklear.

Today is my mom's birthday, so it's actually nice to be here to celebrate with her for the first time in a few years. Thanks mom for having me a few days before you so we didn't have the same birthday!

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