Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I read other people's training blogs these days, and while there are some I like (Red Fox, Ben) for their attention to detail in training and racing, there are others (not to be named) that are pretty gay.

Here's a quick newsflash:

Training hurts.

So does racing. It's like the old adage says "it's supposed to be hard - if it was easy everyone would do it" or maybe my other favorite, "if it doesn't hurt, you're not doing it right."

That second one was in reference to banging. But really, your training and my training and her training and his training - they're no different. We all go through the same things. Anguish, fatigue, laziness, excitement, sometimes even depression. One can only hope that there is some benefit to the cost, some reward to the risk. I just want to know that what I'm doing is going to make sense, even if just to me, in the end.

Which is why I try not to be gay about stuff. Don't make excuses when things aren't going well, don't complain about training. Everyone I know is training for something, and I get annoyed when I hear them complain, so I don't want to be a whiny little baby.

I picked this excerpt up from a blog I occasionally read. The guy appears to be a fairly legit, quick dude. He is also not a rookie, so my expectations are higher for him to be "in the know." I had to laugh when I read it, so here are my thoughts as I was reading it (in red).

I rode 3 hours on sat, even though I was sick. (then don't ride if you're sick, otherwise stop complaining) It was close to my record pace - which was nice since I wasn't going that hard and I thought it would be fun to do 3 hours on 2 gels. (just ride. and 2 gels in 3 hours? try eating nothing for 5 hours, then you'd have my Sunday ride. not trying to be more hardcore, just am)

I survived but barely and I was sort of hungry but I wanted to see how many calories I could put into my drink and how few gels I'd need. I probably need to race with 3-4 gels on the bike and 2 bottles of water/drink.

In the 2nd half of the ride my butt hurt. Like I had a splinter in it. But not IN my rear, but sort of where you sit which isn't really anywhere you can ask someone about.
(how long have you been riding for? I presume at least a couple of years. it's a saddle sore, nimrod, and that area is called your taint, use its proper name)

So I finished with a few grimaces and then got home and took a shower.

But of course I had to see what was hurting. (saddle sore)

Without posting any pictures, I sort of had to go all yoga style in the bathroom trying too see where it hurt - which is impossible without smoke or mirrors. (it's a saddle sore! just squeeze the general vicinity, clean it out and keep going!)

But enough deep breathing I was able to see what hurt and it was a saddle sore and it hurt and it was angry.

Saddle sores happen, ask my cousin, I let her know when I have them. It means you haven't ridden in a while, and now you're trying to ride a lot. It's a good thing. A badge of honor.

The beautiful thing about training is that only you are accountable for what you do, or for what you don't do. Here are a couple of ideas to get you going:

1) If you have a plan, stick to it. Unless your body is telling you otherwise, then be willing to adapt from time to time. Ask yourself: "would an idiot do this?" And if the answer is yes, don't do that thing.

2) If you don't have a plan, get one. Even if you just scribble some notes down on a piece of paper. Have an idea of where you're going, and how you want to get there. You don't necessarily need a coach, but you've got to have a clue.

3) Don't smoke. It's bad for you.

4) Have some goals. No matter how big or small, they'll help you have an idea of where you want to go.

5) It's your fault. Seriously, it is. If you go out hard on a Saturday night, and don't do anything Sunday - that's your fault. I didn't make you drink that goldfish.

6) Make deposits early and often. Not those kind of deposits, but deposits into the bank. You know, the training bank. Get it in as early as you can. That way if life interferes later in the day, you've already done something. And even if life does get in the way, find a way to do something - even if it's not much.


THE KRIS said...

you speak the truth.

Senior_Slug said...

I guess you never read The Immoralist

RM said...

No, Larry, I have not. I don't even know what that is.

a said...

As Ryan can attest to I try to eat as much as possible when I ride. That includes mini-doughnuts and chocolate milk. And when I ride with Ryan I try to eat more since I'm worried his lack of eating will somehow affect me. I like to think of is as "eat for two".

RM said...

It's not that I don't want to eat, it's just that I figure I probably won't eat during the Ironman so I should train myself to be exhausted, starved and dehydrated now. That way I know what to expect in November.

alyssa said...

"I probably won't eat during the Ironman."

I hope you don't die.

Senior_Slug said...

In the Immoralist the protagonist is rambling on and on about the need to be strong and his girl friend interrupts and asks him (paraphrased and in translation) "But what about the weak?"